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Tactical Response Team qualifications

Posted on 05 Mar 2013 @ 4:56pm by Chief Warrant Officer 4 Cyrus Kiwosk

Greetings all hands.

As you all know, the Security Department has been talking to various Department heads regarding possible candidates for the Multi-department Tactical Response Team that has been requested on behalf of Lieutenent Stone and myself.

As many of Department Heads have been explained the ideas behind the Tactical Response Team, I'm now asking for all Non-commissioned staff that are willing to go through the qualifications tests to forward messages to either myself, Marine Captain Fernandez or Lieutenant Stone.

All staff that I have already met with, I urge you all to do the same so no one is forgotten when testing times are scheduled.

Tests will pertain to Combat, situational awareness and specific knowledge in your appropriate fields.

As this is an entirely volunteer team, anyone is allowed to apply, keep in mind however, that Officers would be required to follow the orders of the TRT squad leader, which would be myself, when the TRT is considered active, if that would prove problematic, then I regret to inform you that we will not forward your application.

The Tactical Response Team is a direct answer to the last mission and the weeks after. With our Security Team being understaffed it falls unto the entire crew of the Galileo to help Security defend the ship in times of emergency. We want to create an atmosphere that is both safe and secure for the well being of the people on board.

Thank you for your time.

Chief Warrant Officer Kiwosk
Security/ Tactical


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